Personal Portfolio Site

Chapter 3: Navigation and Footer

Beautiful CSS always starts with great HTML markup... still! In this chapter, we'll mark up a navbar correctly and make it display horizontally. Next, we'll give ourselves a logo and an icon and make sure those icons are accessible. We'll add a "call to action" button for our resume. And finally, of course, we'll make it all responsive, including a hamburger button that runs with only CSS and is fully accessible.

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3a: Navigation - desktop only

Take a few minutes and pull up links to as many of these items as you wish:

Once the markup is set, we will style the navbar for desktop only. Don't be too bothered by the navbar smashed up against the edges of the window. We'll address it later. The final version will look something like this:

A navbar with the name and icon on the left, navigation options on the right. Ending CodePen

3b: Tablet and mobile navigation

Using max-width media queries, we will create layouts for tablet and mobile dimensions. We'll also include a hamburger button that works with CSS only, based on this article's approach.

Use the CodePen below if you're jumping in, or continue with the pen you were using with the desktop layout.

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When you are finished, the tablet layout will look like this:

Logo is on top with navigation items underneath, centered on the screen.

Mobile will have two looks, closed (black) and open (white):

Logo plus hamburger button pushed to the left and right corners of the screen.
White background with all navigation links stacked vertically. A close button is in the right corner.
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3c: You try it: Building the footer

Now that you know how to add accessible icons to your page, you try building the footer.

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Here are the recommended steps to follow:

1. Modify the text above to reflect your own name and title. Gather SVG icons from FontAwesome or other sources to represent the links you'd like to show.

2. Add the SVG icons and links to the markup. Make sure the SVG links are accessible! (See the navigation chapter for details.)

3. Add the background image:

Modify the styling so that the text is readable and looks good.

4. Double check the display on mobile, and add any media queries needed to make this look good.

When you are finished, the tablet layout will look like this:

Footer includes text from earlier work, accessible icons, and a starry background image. Ending CodePen