Personal Portfolio Site

Chapter 2: Working with Text

If you can't see it, you can't style it.

Beautiful CSS always starts with great HTML markup. In this first exercise, we'll create some content, mark it up appropriately, and apply styling.

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Writing text

Look at the text in the HTML block. Change the text to reflect your own life. Take out all of the [] brackets - they are there to show you where to change the text.

Once the text in place, what becomes good markup for our site? Remember that design is CSS. Markup, or HTML, is all about conveying information. What is the most important information on this page? What is supporting information or more details? Should there be a link? If so, where?

Marking up text

Look at the content you have on the page. Identify the most important content and give it a H2 element. Mark up the rest appropriately using paragraphs, links, and any other semantic element required.

Styling the introduction

With the text created and marked up, we will add CSS styling to make our introduction look like this:

A comet in the background of the text we created earlier. Ending CodePen

Chapter 2: You Try It

Now it’s your turn. Can you set up the text section for the Contact Me section?

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Use the same strategy we just went through for the introduction part of the page.

When you are finished, your contact section should look similar to this:

A blue-green aurora is behind the text that was included in the contact section of the page. Ending CodePen